What are the
differences between COLD and HOT backup? And the benefits associated with each?
HOT backup
COLD backup
HOT backup is taken while database
is in up and running state
COLD backup is taken while the
database is in graceful shut down state
For HOT backup database must be in
archive log mode
For COLD backup database need not
be in archive log mode
Using HOT backup we can recover
the database till any point in case of disasters
Using COLD backup we can recover
the database till the point where we took backup only. Later changes will be
Excessive redo is generated during
HOT backup
Since the database need not be in
archive log mode we can gain slight performance
It is online backup
It is offline backup
HOT backup is inconsistent backup
It is Consistent backup
Since HOT backup don’t need
downtime we can use this for a database that performs 24*7 operations
Since COLD backup needs downtime
we can’t afford to use it for a database that performs 24*7 operations
Using HOT backup we will take
Control, Redo (optional), Data files for backup.
During COLD backup we will take
Control, Redo (optional), Data files for backup same as hot backup.
Related links:
Taking COLD backup: http://orcl11gdba.blogspot.in/2014/04/recovering-database-using-cold-backup.html
Tanking HOT backup: http://orcl11gdba.blogspot.in/2014/03/taking-hot-bakcup-database-in-begin.html
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