Problem: What to do when archive logs were missed on primary,standby site and standby is behind?
Solution: Take incremental backup from PROD and apply it on standby site
Standby site
select to_char(current_scn) from v$database;
Primary site:
allocate channel t10 type disk format '/BKP_LOCATION/ORA_rman_incr_backup_PRODDB_%U.bck' maxpiecesize 5120m;
backup incremental from scn 262143096188 database tag = INCR_BKP_STBY;
release channel t10;
alter database create standby controlfile as '/tmp/standby.ctl';
Move the above stand by control file and incremental backup to stand by site.
Standby site:
rman target /
RMAN>restore controlfile from '/STNDBY_LOC/bkp/standby.ctl';
SQL> alter database mount;
rman target /
RMAN>catalog start with 'STNDBY_LOC/bkp/';
RMAN>recover database noredo;
SQL>alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
Solution: Take incremental backup from PROD and apply it on standby site
Standby site
select to_char(current_scn) from v$database;
Primary site:
allocate channel t10 type disk format '/BKP_LOCATION/ORA_rman_incr_backup_PRODDB_%U.bck' maxpiecesize 5120m;
backup incremental from scn 262143096188 database tag = INCR_BKP_STBY;
release channel t10;
alter database create standby controlfile as '/tmp/standby.ctl';
Move the above stand by control file and incremental backup to stand by site.
Standby site:
rman target /
RMAN>restore controlfile from '/STNDBY_LOC/bkp/standby.ctl';
SQL> alter database mount;
rman target /
RMAN>catalog start with 'STNDBY_LOC/bkp/';
RMAN>recover database noredo;
SQL>alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
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